Power Skiving process includes continual gear cutting, making possible the production of both spur and helical in external and internal gears. A great advantage of Skiving Cutters is that they are quicker, more efficient and productive when compared to shaper cutters and broaches and allows for coolant-free machining. Also, the high number of cuts per time unit possible with these cutters not only leads to a very short cycle time but they also produce high-quality gears with low surface roughness.
This tool can be used on special skiving machines and multi-task CNC machining centres.
Module (DP) Range: 2 – 6 Mod. (DP 12 – 4)
Materials: PM High Speed Steels are available including: ASP 2052 / ASP 2030/ S390 / S290
Coatings: All types of PVD coatings are available including: Gold (TiN) / Futura Nano (TiAlN) / Alcrona (AlCrN)
Enhanced Efficiency: Skiving Cutters outperform shaper cutters and broaches in terms of speed and efficiency.
Versatility: Both externally and internally, they may create spur and helical gears.
Coolant-Free Machining: Skiving Cutters enable coolant-free machining, lowering expenses and having a smaller negative impact on the environment.
Short Cycle Time: Skiving tools make gear production faster with high cutting speeds, ensuring quick and efficient manufacturing.
High-Quality Gears: Skiving Cutters create high-quality gears with little surface roughness.
Suitable for Special Machines: These tools are compatible with multi-purpose CNC machining centers and specialized skiving machines.
Global Availability: S.S. Tools provides these Skiving Cutters for the global market, assuring accessibility to customers everywhere.
Power skiving cutters are tools designed for power skiving, a superlative gear-manufacturing method combining elements of hobbing and shaping. These cutters ensure faster production times and enhanced gear quality.
Material coating, tooth geometry, and compatibility with the machining setup are crucial factors when selecting a power skiving cutter. The right cutter cuts effectively and prolongs tool life.
Frequent checking for wear, adequate lubrication, and proper storage conditions help attain maximum life for power skiving cutters. The dull or damaged cutters need immediate replacement to maintain cutting accuracy.
All operators should wear protective clothing and gear, secure tool alignment, and obey the machine’s instructions to prevent accidents. Well-maintained and appropriately established cutters reduce risk during operations.
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